i purchased an item on ebay on nov 5th?

2013-12-02 8:10 pm
I bought a calculator on ebay Nov. 5th, payed right away. It's arrival date changed 3 times now is at 12/5. The seller said he checked up whats wrong and he said it may have gotten lost in the mail. He offered a refund or another calculator (same one) by 12/12. What would be the smartest thing to do?

回答 (4)

2013-12-02 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If it doesn't come by 12/12 can you cancel at any time. If so, give him to 12/12 or slightly after, otherwise I'd take the refund and get a different calculator.
2013-12-03 4:55 am
It sounds as if he sold more than he could supply.Now he is scurrying around trying to find more .
Take the refund.
參考: Knowledge.
2013-12-03 4:31 am
I would take a refund.
2013-12-03 4:11 am
do you really want the calculator or not? That's your deciding factor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:50:26
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