What's so great apparently about "Living in the moment''?

2013-12-02 10:00 am
I really do not see what the big ordeal is. How can you look forward to life without planning for the future or at least setting some goals for yourself whether it be short term or long term. I am a rather futuristic person and living in the moment is highly over rated. I'd rather look forward to something I dream about and also that I can turn into a reality. I get highly annoyed when people tell me to live in the moment. I like the fact that the future gives me something to look forward to. What are your thoughts on this?

回答 (7)

2013-12-02 10:12 am
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Living in this moment is not that fufilling.
Living in the past is upsetting.
Living in the the future scares me.
Living with malleable possibilities gives me hope.
2013-12-02 6:22 pm
Living in the moment to me means, like we took our 16 year old on a cruise of a life time a couple of years ago. He never thought it would happen. So like when we was boarding the plane I would say that to him. Then when we had got to a new port he would ask, " what are we going to do"? And I would say, live in the moment. So to me it means to take time to enjoy what is happening at that moment. So you will always remember it.
參考: Life
2013-12-02 9:35 pm
If you wish to optimize and gain the most out of each moment of life, you must pay attention to each moment and make choices that optimize. This has nothing to do with the past or the future, both of which are important as well.
2013-12-03 8:26 am
You can only recall the past or project the future from the very moment. Both past and future have no existence, hence no reality. Of course, there are instances where the moment requires you to rehash the past or prepare for the future, but doing so frequently at leasure usually results in missing out on the opportunities right before you. Sometimes it is too late or you do not know that you missed out on them at all because the mind is preoccupied with fantasizing hypothetical situations. You wouldn't want a surgeon not being in the moment while opperating on you.
2013-12-03 12:26 am
My understanding is that we try to get things in our future like that new car or a career, the dream job, education.. and house, family or whatever it is we want.. and even when we're actually trying for the future and to get all we want at some point in the future.. we're doing it so we can live in the moment at that time, isn't it the whole point of trying to get achieve our desires? so that we can enjoy them once we have those things?.. we're all looking for a way back to the present..

2013-12-02 9:39 pm
One can Plan for the future, set goals and dream
Yet still "Live in the Moment"
and it is the most beneficial, satisfying and Enlightened way to Live
if one is constantly looking forward to something and missing the Now
because tomorrow looks better they are not truly Living
2013-12-02 9:27 pm
I don't think it relates to planning or imagining. It relates to being focused in your present and living in it. Worrying about something in the past , trying to set it right in your mind is a waste of mental energy and blocks you from living fruitfully in the present. Thinking that you'll be happy when some future end or goal is achieved denies you the opportunities you have every day in your present.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:09:29
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