
2013-12-03 6:18 am
請問本人的國籍是什麼? 因為本人在外地出世, 擁有香港永久居民身份證和香港特區護照, 請問本人的國籍是中國, 還是中國香港呢? 謝謝回答。

回答 (4)

2013-12-03 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果在任何有選擇 (如online 或 填表) 的情況下, 請選擇 China, Hong Kong

如填寫, 國藉必需填China, 在出生地填寫您的出生地。護照類別 / 發出護照地方填HONG KONG SAR
2013-12-03 6:59 pm
Your nationality is Chinese as always. However, it is more practical to put Hong Kong SAR as nationality.

The reason is HKSAR Passport holders enjoys visa-free travel in most of the world. This does not happen to Chinese (Mainland) Passport holders, which they will need a visa in most of the case.

Identifying your nationality as Hong Kong SAR is to distinguish such difference and avoid issues during entry.
2013-12-03 12:59 pm

自己的國籍祖藉 : 中國
國藉 : 出生地

2013-12-03 6:55 am

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