make and produce 的分別

2013-12-03 4:58 am
make and produce 的分別
for pollution
the traffic make too many fumes
the traffic produce too many fumes

20 points for you

回答 (4)

2013-12-03 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
the traffic make too many fumes
是做一些煙出來。make 主要是指人做的事

而the traffic produce too many fumes

2013-12-02 21:11:54 補充:
通常我們都會用make pollution 製造污染(是直接的)
而produce pollution 產生污染,(通過間接的東西而產生出來的)
2013-12-03 12:53 pm
用 'produce' (製造)
The traffic produce too much fumes

用'emit' (排放)也可以
The traffic emit too much fumes
2013-12-03 8:36 am
當 pollution 是 object (S + V + O)
subject + verb (cause, create, produce, generate) + pollution
很少人講 make pollution

除了下列 pattern (make = 使, 不是解製造, 產生)
make pollution + adjective

Bridges could make pollution worse.
2013-12-03 5:44 am
good thank you

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