[英文] 英文gammer

2013-12-03 3:31 am
1)請問這present prefact tense句中 ....

what countries have they visited in Europe

為什是把country 變成了present simple 的第三人稱的 country + ies ???

一句 句子能有兩個TENSE 嗎?還是我理解錯誤?

2)請這present prefact tense句中

Has she been late for a meeting?

亦是為什麼會出現present continuous tense 的MEET 加 ING



回答 (4)

2013-12-03 4:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Country 如果解釋是”國家”, 是 countable noun. Plural form 是 countries.
a country, one country
two countries, many countries, 多過一個國家
Country不能做 verb (動詞), 只有 verb 才有 tense

What countries have they visited in Europe?

你的句子的 verb 是 have visited, tense 是 present perfect 歐洲有多個國家, 使用複數名詞, countries

考慮 try 這個字, 可以做 noun 或者 verb
try (countable noun), tries (plural)
try ( verb), 第三者單數, 如果是 present simple tense, verb 是 tries

He (She, Mr. Lee,) tries very hard to get it right. ~ present simple tense

How many tries did you have before you got it tight? ~ tries 是 plural noun

同一個 spelling, 一個做 third person singular verb , 一個做 plural noun

Has she been late for a meeting?

meeting 在這個句子, 不是 present participle, 是 noun
meeting (會議,會面) 在字典分開地列為 countable noun, plural form 是 meetings
因為是 countable noun,
a meeting, one meeting, two meetings, many meetings

在這個句子只有一個 verbal group, "has been", 做 linking verb

We are meeting for dinner this evening.
(meeting 是 present participle, 用在 present continuous tense)

通常 verb + ing 在可以做 present participle 或者 gerund.
Gerund 是當 noun 用

Trying and succeeding are two different things.
(Trying 和 succeeding 是 gerund)

You will enjoy meeting the President.
(meeting 是 present participle, 不是用在 continuous tense, 用在 gerund phrase)
2013-12-03 5:29 am
1.the 'countries' means it is more than a country are in europe
one sentences can't accpect two tenses but now countries is a noun
it shoudn't be a verb

2.it is because gerund ,it means that after preposition e.g.for on at
it should be add ing after the verb

2013-12-02 21:30:16 補充:
and also meeting is a noun
參考: me (just some comment)
2013-12-03 4:32 am
這兩個并不是verb,而是noun .
在what countries have they visited in Europe里,Europe不是只有一個國家,所以要加ies

在Has she been late for a meeting?里,meeting 是指會議,開會。所以它是一個noun.
2013-12-03 3:50 am
1)Countries isn't a verb. It is a noun. The concept of all tenses can only apply in
2)The word meeting in this sentence isn't a verb. It is a noun.

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