If a family member is ill, can this atract ghostly activity in my home?

2013-12-01 3:27 pm
a family member is ill, recently there have been noised ad smahing plates, pictures falling over and footsteps being heard when nobody is there, there has been orbs in various pictures/videos.
there was no mess from the smahing plates in the kitchen, no broken glass from the picture (2 times it fell off the side)
is there an explaination for this?
how can i tell if there is a ghost?
what can i do to get proof of plates and falling pictures?

Thanks- Much appriciated.

sightings of shaddows have been seen from outside the house too.

回答 (3)

2013-12-01 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not sure if you have enough solid information to say yes at this time, some of these things can be debunked. Although yes spirits do come around when someone is very sick or ill, since we do have spiritual war fare, could have both good and bad spirits.....usually it's good though, they come to guide, or over looking the ill person.
2013-12-02 11:53 am
NO... in fact they sorta ignore most Ill people.. as with a fire a sick person has less energy to steal IE when you want to eat a chicken do you pick the disiesed chicken or the healthy fat one??? BUT a person near death can sometimes unleash long dorment psychic powers.... might be from the sick person themselves... as they lash out with there mind casue there body is failing them.
2013-12-04 1:07 am
Dude, take more videos and photographs of everything occurring around you. Post it on Youtube (so everybody can answer it). Then find a paranormal investigator (I don't trust them usually) and investigate the whole damn thing.

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