I dont know what I saw just pass in the sky UFO?

2013-12-01 8:29 am
I dont know what it is I'm looking out my apartment window cuz I couldnt sleep, I'm in the middle of California I believe in a city and I stare at this odd looking thing I dont think is a plane it got kinda close looking down at the city, not that close though it was like kind of high in the air but not too high do you get what I'm saying? It had a bright green bottom that was well bright and on the side it was a tan thingy ma bobber that kept flashing? was it Santa? LOL Well anyways, it tilted its tan side to look down at the city (O_o) I dont think I was hallucaniting either it might be my imagination because there are some planes in the sky that are visible but that thing.. unexplainable I tried to squint my eyes but it was so dark I couldnt tell if I could believe my eyes...

回答 (2)

2013-12-03 5:09 pm
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2013-12-01 10:52 pm
UFOs have been around since the days of the bible, aliens as well, so there is no mystery here, they are more advanced than er, they are more intelligent as well, they can take us out if they choose, but they are not evil as we are....so it's a good thing they have more control.

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