
2013-12-01 8:45 pm

可唔可以幫我轉做英文, 仲有咁標題寫咩?

回答 (3)

2013-12-02 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
本人Chan Tai Ming ID/1x3x5(2) 於2010年1月日x日入職貴公司,並於2013月年12月日x日日離職,請貴公司給予該段期間的工作證明書乙份,

2013-12-01 21:31:50 補充:
Request for a reference certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,
It is greatly appreciate if you might sign a reference certificate for me, I has been employed by your company ( name of the company) since 2010 Jan 1 until 2013 Dec 2.

Best regard.
2013-12-02 12:56 pm
Dear Mr. X / Miss Y,

Re : Chan Tai Man Leaving Certificate Request

Per conversation held on 26-Nov-2013, please address me as soon as
possible of a proper date to collect in relation to above-mentioned request.

Your kindness is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Chan Tai Man
2013-12-02 4:11 am
Subject : Request for reference letter

Dear xxx (HR department),

This is xxx, I worked in xxx department, position is xxx. For your information, I submitted resignation letter recently and would like to get reference letter, would you please arrange the letter to me, thank you!

Best regards,

收錄日期: 2021-04-17 02:28:39
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