
2013-11-29 11:46 pm
小弟搵到一份新工, 是做接待,幫手收房租的,

簡單版,唔使太禮貌就可以了, 唔知正確嗎?

1 有咩幫到你, How can i help u?/ Wt can i do for u, sir? (2句能用嗎?)
2. 係咪比租呀?pay the rent? (好似太簡單)
3. 邊個SALES跟開你呀? (呢句唔識)
4。我要等同事返黎幫你 (呢句唔識)


回答 (6)

2013-11-30 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. How can i help you好D
2. Are you paying the rent?
3. Which salesman is responsible for your case/business?
4. I need to find another co-worker to help you on this.
5. How long do you want to rent for?/ How long is your lease? (前句問想租幾耐,後句問租約幾耐)

2013-12-04 10:23 am
1 有咩幫到你, How can i help u?/ Wt can i do for u, sir? (2句能用嗎?)
May I help you ?
2. 係咪比租呀?pay the rent? (好似太簡單)
Do you want to pay the rent?
3. 邊個SALES跟開你呀? (呢句唔識)
Who is attending you?
4。我要等同事返黎幫你 (呢句唔識)
Don't you mind to wait for other staff to serve you?
How long do you want to rent?

參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-12-03 6:27 pm
To 回答者:七瀨 遙

5. May I ask how long would you like to rent?

I wonder if you can use "May I " and "would you" without quotation marks in one sentence. (inversion)
2013-11-30 2:39 pm
1) How can i help you?/ How may i help you?/ What can i do for you?
2) Do you want to pay for the rent?
3) Which staff/ who did you get served by?
4) I have to wait for my colleagues to get back to you.
5) How long do you want to rent it for?
2013-11-30 8:12 am
1. 兩句都可以用,不過見到女人果陣時唔好叫 sir,要叫 madam

2. Do you want to pay the rent now? (個人覺得 Are you paying the rent? 好似冇咩禮貌,聽起嚟就好似「係咪比租架」)

3. May I know who of our staff has been serving you?

4. I'm sorry, but I would have to wait for my colleague back to help you.(講聲 sorry 會好啲,因為始終你阻咗人哋時間又幫唔到人哋。)

5. May I ask how long would you like to rent?

2013-11-30 00:14:17 補充:
5. May I ask how long would you like to rent [for]?
2013-11-30 2:39 am
(1)How can I help you?
(2)Do you want to pay the rent ?
(3)Which sales follow you up?
(4)Sorry, I ask colleague to help you (in regular payment+rental.)
----Wait (10 minutes) please !
(5)Rent how many days ?
T H A N K S ! !

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