
2013-11-29 9:19 pm
(a)In a gas station, petrol is pumped into a tank with a rate of dV/dt=t^3/2 m^3/min , where V is the volume of petrol in m^3 and t is time in minutes.

(i)Find the volume of petrol in the tank after t minutes. Given that the initial condition is V = 0, when t = 0.

回答 (1)

2013-11-29 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
V = ∫dv = ∫ t³/2 dt

V = (1/2) ∫ t³ dt

V = (1/2)[(1/4)t⁴ + C]

When t = 0 ; V = 0
==> C = 0

V = (1/8)t⁴

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