How would describe someone with a Cancer rising?

2013-11-26 8:10 am
I am an Aquarius (Sun) with a Capricorn Moon, and Cancer as my rising sign. How would all three of these contribute to physical appearance and personality type (I know other aspects in my chart affect this as well).

回答 (3)

2013-11-26 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cancer is somebody caring emotional and really naggy

Your moon and sun signs are in great contrast though. So I guess you're more emotional than the regular Aquarius or Capricorn.
2013-11-26 4:12 pm
maybe someone who projects a kind,nurturing,loyal yet sometimes sensitive and clingy nature...? Just my guess
2013-11-26 5:12 pm
Home-Oriented, attached to family, My experience with a few Cancer Risings I know are they do project a sensitive caring vibe yet sometimes can be very exclusive,. So, they do Seem very home-oriented but not always as nice as they seem. One my own Mother wouldn't provide food for me when I was nearly starving. Another the guy I was dating at the time was very cruel when he wanted to be. His Sister who he was very close with another Cancer Rising was not always nice either.. Not Extremely sympathetic to be real. It's odd that I had attracted all these Cancer Risings at a difficult time in my life. I have Cancer/Moon associated with my Sun Degrees... I feel that I am a bit and usually much more giving then they are/were. I would say they were borderline abusive, and I had significant stress in my life after all that. Anyways.. Yeah, I do believe the RIsing is more What You Appear Like, Impressions and What you do when you are at your best. Aspects and other placements should always be considered.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:08:49
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