Math Pls help

2013-11-27 12:35 am
A professional organization is planning its annual convention to be held in San Francisco. Arrangements are being made with a large hotel in which the convention will be held. Registrants for the 3-day convention will be charged a flat fee of $500 per person, which includes registration fee, room, all meals, and tips. The hotel charges the organization $20,000 for the use of the facilities such as meeting rooms, ballroom. In addition, the hotel charges $295 per person for room, meals, and tips. The professional organization appropriate $125 of the $500 fee as annual dues to be deposited in the treasury of the national office. Determine the number of registrants necessary for the organization to recover the fixed cost of $20,000.

Answer: 250 persons

回答 (1)

2013-11-27 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Out of the $500 charged per person, the organization deposits $125 andthe hotel charges $295.

Amount per person for the organization to recover the fixed cost of $20000
= $(500 - 125 - $295)
= $80

Number of registrants necessary for the organization to recover the fixed costof $20000
= 20000/80
= 250

2013-11-26 17:48:30 補充:
Amendment :

In above, "$(500 - 125 - $295)" should be "$(500 - 125 - 295)".

2013-11-26 17:49:36 補充:
Alternative method :

Let n be the number of registrants required.

(500 - 125 - 295)n = 20000
80n = 20000
n = 250

Hence, number of registrants required = 250
參考: andrew, andrew

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:50:05
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