
2013-11-26 6:43 pm
我想email 通知他


回答 (3)

2013-11-26 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All the Hong Kong special edition were sold out within two days. i am not able to buy in retail shop.
The special edition is very popular in Hong Kong.
I will try to search for other source.
2013-11-26 8:53 pm
Hi _____,

This special edition has gone out of stock in Hong Kong just 2 days after its launch of sales. There's no way to buy it from any stores right now - it's a hit in Hong Kong too. Anyway, I will go and look for it in other places.

2013-11-26 8:15 pm
The XX special edition had been sold out in Hong Kong within 2 days.
Cannot find any in retail outlets because of its popularity. [其實這句多餘...]
I will try to find and purchase it by other means.

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