college sophomore freaking out over college major?

2013-11-26 12:45 am
OK, i'm a college sophomore and for the first year, I was just taking college requirements and seeing what I want. I decided I want to be a vet but my first year biology ended badly. So now i'm scared to take biology major because I'm didn't do so well on it and I might not even be accepted b/c of my shitty grade. So i decided to co- take accounting with my pre-vet track. However, as I'm registering classes for my next semester, I noticed the accounting major takes about 60 credit and it will require me more that two years to finish it. Now, I'm stick with no major and I don't know what to do. I'm like panicking. There's like no major I can take now. Its like too late, most majors start lining classes at freshman year and I'm freaking out. I don't know what I should to? Should i risk biology major or stick with accounting major and just take an extra year. Omg, what should i do?

回答 (3)

2013-11-26 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have interest in accounting, then change it. Its not too late to start it and besides, the first 2 years is generally spent on general education and preparing (doing the perquisite course work to declare or go into the accounting stuff) for your major. The bulk of most business majors generally are taken in the last 2 years of a 4 year degree.

Stick with accounting. If its not cut out for you, go to another business major and you probably won't need that much extra time to finish it.
參考: business graduates
2013-11-26 8:57 am
Being a vet, or an accountant, is a demanding job that requires your full attention. Why do you want those careers? Money? If that is your only reason you will fail at either.

Vet school is virtually impossible to get into; check with your adviser and have him/her compare your SATs to the required standardized tests. Then make a decision as to the realistic chance of success.

Same for accounting. But again, accounting required 60+ hour weeks to hold a decent job. Do you really want to do that?
2013-11-27 1:40 am
Find someone at the school who can advise you. Contact the office of the dean of students or the registrar and ask who your advisor is.

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