英文數學(Simple Interest)

2013-11-26 5:04 am

1. Raymond deposits $120000 in a bank at an interest rate of 12% p.a. Find the simple interest received after 6 years.

2. Find the amount if $342000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 5% p.a. simple interest for 8 months.

3. If Lawrence deposits $50000 in a bank at an interest rate of 3% p.a. simple interest for 3.5 years, what is the amount he will finally get?

4. Cherry borrows a sum of money form a bank at an interest rate of 5.5% p.a. If she has to pay $3300 simple interest after 2 years, find the amount of money she borrows.

5. Simple interest is given at an interest rate of 3.6% p.a. for an investment of $40000. How long will it take for the amount to be come $43600?

6. Suki deposits $8000 in a bank where simple interest is calculated. If she will get the amount $8360 after 9 months, what is the interest rate per annum?

回答 (3)

2013-11-26 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple interest received after 6 years
= $120000 x (1 + 12% x 6)
= $120000 x 1.72
= $206400

Amount for 8 month
= $342000 x [1 + 5% x (8/12)]
= $342000 x (31/30)
= $353400

Amount he will finally get
= $50000 (1 + 3% x 3.5)
= $50000 x 1.105
= $55250

Amount of money she borrows
= $3300 ÷ (5.5% x 2)
= $3300 ÷ 0.11
= $30000

Time taken
= (43600 - 40000) ÷ 40000 ÷ 3.6% years
= 3600 ÷ 40000 ÷ 3.6% years
= 0.09 ÷ 3.6% years
= 2.5 years

Interest rate per annum
= [(8360 - 8000) ÷ 8000 ÷ (9/12)] x 100%
= [360 ÷ 8000 ÷ (9/12)] x 100%
= [(360/8000) x (12/9)] x 100%
= 0.06 x 100%
= 6%

2013-11-25 22:36:11 補充:
4. Alternative method :

Let $P the amount she borrows.

P x 5.5% x 2 = 3300
0.11P = 3300
P = 30000

Hence, the amount she borrows is $30000.

2013-11-25 22:39:29 補充:
5. Alternative method :

Let t years be the time taken.

40000 x (1 + 3.6% x t) = 43600
40000 + 1440t = 43600
1440t = 3600
t = 2.5

Hence, time taken = 2.5 years

2013-11-25 22:42:13 補充:
6. Alternative method :

Let R% be the interest rate.

8000 x [1 + R% x (9/12)] = 8360
8000 + 60R = 8360
60R = 360
R = 6

Hence, interest rate = 6%
參考: andrew, andrew
2013-11-28 10:24 pm

The simple interest received after 6 years

= 120000 x 12% x 6

= 14400 x 6

= $86400


The amount for 8 months

= 342000 x 5% x 8/12 + 342000

= 17100 x 8/12 + 342000

= 11400 + 342000

= $353400


The amount he will finally get

= 50000 + 50000 x 5% x 3.5

= 50000 + 2500 x 3.5

= 50000 + 8750

= $58750


let $p be the principal.

p x 5.5% x 2 = 3300
2p = 60000
p = 30000

∴ The principal is $30000.


let t years be the period.

40000 x 3.6% x t = 43600 - 40000
1440t = 3600
t = 2.5

∴ It takes 2.5 years.


let r% be the interest rate per annum

8000 x r% x 9/12 = 8360 - 8000
6000 x r% = 360
r % = 0.06
r = 6
∴ The interest rate per annum is 6%.

2013-11-28 14:29:36 補充:



let $p be the principal.

p x 5.5% x 2 = 3300
2p = 60000
p = 30000

∴ The principal is $30000.

Amount of money he borrows
= 30000 + 3300
= $33300
2013-11-26 6:38 am
1. interest=120000*12%*6

2. amount=342000(1+5%*8/12)

3. amount=50000(1+3%*3.5)

2013-11-25 22:38:10 補充:
4. let x be the amount.



5. let n be the years.


it will take the amount after 2.5 years.

6. let r% be the interest rate.


the interest rate is 6%.

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