Why do I have black seeds in my stool?

2013-11-24 10:51 pm
It's been happening for days..

回答 (1)

2013-11-24 10:56 pm
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Maybe they aren't actually seeds, sometimes if you have a bleeding ulcer, or other condition where blood is getting into the digestive system fairly early on, you will get black specks in the stools. Probably ought to mention it to your doctor.
2013-11-25 12:05 am
What are you eating? Chia seeds? Papaya seeds? If you didn't chew the papaya seeds, then they come out whole. For some unknown reason, the body doesn't break those up, at least mine doesn't. Take a look at what you are eating. You'll find the source.
2016-01-26 12:24 pm
black seeds stool
2015-08-02 2:21 pm
Why do I have black seeds in my stool?
It's been happening for days..
2013-11-24 10:52 pm
Could be your gall bladder ..might want to check with a doctor.

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