Transverse wave problem

2013-11-25 1:37 am
A transverse traveling wave is described by y=5 sin(2pi(x/10-t/0.05)). x and y are in unit of meters, and t is in unit of seconds.

If the initial phase at some point is 0.6pi , find the position x of this point.

回答 (1)

2013-11-25 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
At t = 0, the wave equation is,
y = 2.sin(2.pi.x/10)
If at point x, the phase angle is 0.6pi
thus 0.6pi = 2.pi.x/10
i.e. x = (0.6)(10)/2 m = 3 m

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