F2 Math

2013-11-24 10:20 pm

make the letter in brackets the subject of the formula

ax - b/y = a

不好意思, 問題應該是 make the letter in brackets the subject of the formula ax - b/y = a (x)

回答 (1)

2013-11-24 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ax - b/y = a

ax - a = b/y

a(x-1) = b/y

a = b/[(y)(x-1)]

2013-11-24 14:56:27 補充:
ax - b/y = a

ax - a = b/y

a(x-1) = b/y

b = a(x-1)y


y = b/[a(x-1)]

2013-11-24 15:37:37 補充:
ax - b/y = a

ax - a = b/y

ax = a + b/y

ax = (ay + b)/y

x = (ay + b) / ay

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