F.2 MATHS!!!!

2013-11-23 11:58 pm
A man has a piece of paper that measures 210 mm by 295 mm and he wants to
make a photocopy of a diagram which measures 180 mm by 240 mm on the piece of paper.

(a)If he photocopies the diagram by enlarging both its length and its width in the
ratio 6 : 5, is the paper size large enough for the enlarged diagram?

(b) What is the maximum ratio of enlargement that he can use with that piece of

回答 (1)

2013-11-24 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
a)After enlarge by 6 : 5。 the 180mmX240mm image becomes 180X6÷5 = 216mm by 240X6÷5 =288mm

The 210mm by 295mm paper is not large enough.

b) The maximum ratio of enlargement is
210 ÷ 180
= 21 : 18
= 7 : 6

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