
2013-11-23 10:52 am
我讀的是Distance-Learning Certificate Programme on Effective Business Writing For Executives, 謝謝!

You are Mr Charles Chin of the UltraBest Translation Co. You are now asked to liaise with the Smith Consultant Co. about the terms under which they will revise the form letters ofyour company.

You have negotiated with the consultant firm and agree on the following:
(1)The fee is $15,000 for one year’s service, including:
-Review and rewrite where necessary the form letters of the Company
-provide six one-hour lectures for the translator on the use of revised forms
-lectures for the translator on the use of revised forms Distribution of the "Smith's Improve Your Writing Bulletin" biweekly to all staff in the programme.

(2)Subject to satisfactory service, contract can be renewed at $3,000 yearly. This fee will include reviews of all new form letters, three group meetings and distribution the "Smith's Improve Your Writing Bulletin."
(3)The Smith Consultant Co can begin at any time upon one month’s notice.

You have consulted several companies who hired similar service and there is no adverse hired similar service and there is comments reported. These companies include: The United Bank of Africa; The Amalgamated Petrol Company and the Universal Machine Workshop.

Task: With the above information, write a memorandum report to the Manager, Mr Jimmy Tong, giving your recommendation of signing a one year's contract with the Smith Consultant Company.

回答 (1)

2013-11-27 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. Jimmy Ting,
Dear Sir,
-------------------Re: Contract with Smith Consultant Co.
-----------This memo report shows that care has been taken to make sure that Smith Consulant Co. are helpful to our Co. on Ultra Best Translation services business where United Bank of Africa, Amalgamated Petro Co. and Universal Machine Workshop have hired similar service to prove it is trustworthy and dependable upon without complaints in writing ! I am pleased therefore to recommend your honour to sign one year contract $15000 based on these evidence.
------------Yours sincerely
------------Charles Chin

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 07:06:26
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