My TV wont turn on!? please help?

2013-11-23 7:43 am
Okay I have a phillips tv, my oarents too my tv to use for my bro's party and of course wasnt happy about that...but my bro put it back in my room and the tv was fine before we moved it bac to my room. I tryed to get the plug inti the extension cord but was too far and then I had to go get another extension cord, I got that and when I tryed plugging it in it had a spark and the tv white light on it lit up for one second and now when we kept changing the outlets to see if it works it doesnt turn on at all someone please help I need my tv in my room

回答 (2)

2013-11-24 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
You broke the TV. If you're lucky it just blew the internal replaceable fuse. Its not recommended to replace the fuse yourself because of dangerous voltages inside from the capacitors.
2013-11-23 10:50 pm
What caused the spark? Was the tv power on when you tried to plug it in. Whatever, the spark was caused as something inside the tv got shorted out. What? you'll need to take the tv to a repair shop for testing if its worth the cost.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:45:43
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