unit, log, time

2013-11-23 6:14 am
log應該只可用于冇維變數或數值, 為何下式可以log [(冇維^2)/time]?


天同, 你上次唔係咁講o既 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7013101200140 另外, 可否舉些其他似這個情況的單位的物理學例子?


I found this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_value#cite_note-no_units-2 EV is not the expression of a physical law, but simply a number for encoding combinations of camera settings. 咁應該冇物理公式好似佢咁做法, 天同, 你可有例子? Many thanks

回答 (2)

2013-11-24 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no problem in defining exposure value (EV) = log(base 2)[N^2/t] where t is the exposure time in second.

The reason is because it is a definition. The time t is specified in unit of "second". As such, the value of t is unique. It could thus be regarded as a number.

The reason in applying a log function to [N62/t] is to avoid a large range of numbers that would ocuur in [N^2/t], as t is usually a small number (in order of ms) and may span over a wide range (from ms to s). This practice is not uncommon in science, just as when plotting a graph with wide range of y (or x) values, we usually plot log(y) again x (or y against log(x), whichever the case will be) to facilitate grapg plotting. Here, y or x are generally physical quantities with dimension.

2013-11-25 10:41:07 補充:
I think you still not grasp the cencept behind.
The time t in the definition is unique, because it is specified in unit of second. Even if you use other time unit, you need to convert it into second before calculating the EV....

2013-11-25 10:43:43 補充:
(cont'd)...But in your previous post, the unit in not fixed. As such, would get different values if different units are used.
After fixing a unit in the definition, the value in the parameter thus becomes unique and be regarded as a number.
2013-11-23 7:38 am


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