✔ 最佳答案
每一齣劇集per episode
XXX每拍一齣劇集, 便會得到二百萬片酬
XXX's per episode salary is two million dollars.
XXX gets paid two million dollars per episode.
2013-11-22 19:45:32 補充:
XXX gets a salary of two million dollars for acting in an episode of the drama series.
2013-11-22 20:34:27 補充:
樓下google友唔識per字就唔好亂點話per episode唔用得。唔識就唔好亂噏教錯人!
2013-11-23 19:56:20 補充:
Due to my careless oversight, my original translations were wrong. 一齣劇集should be translated as "a drama series" as my friend Garlic pointed out in his rating comment.
Thank you!
"A certain artist got a salary of two million dollars for acting in a drama series."