Are we unpatriotic, because we want to leave the EU ?

2013-11-21 2:55 pm
According to Nick Clegg and Danny Alexander, we are.
Being patriotic means, we know what is best for our Country, even if these two muppets do not.

You thoughts please.

回答 (9)

2013-11-21 9:32 pm
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We are not being unpatriotic by wanting to leave the EU we are being sensible. The EU costs billions of pounds each year and we get very little benefit from it except for them trying to tell us what to do. Nobody is interested in what Nick Clegg says and as for the ginger vermin well enough said. This country was in a far better state when we had free trade and were not tied to the EU. We need a referendum now not in a few years time. Then at least we might be able to stop the Bulgarians and Romanians coming in their droves.
2013-11-22 7:06 am
40 years ago we joined a free trade association called the EEC, not a wannabe superstate called the EU. Obviously these two don't know what "patriotic" means. Which doesn't surprise me, seeing as a Lib Dem government would blithely sign up to anything the EU wants to do.
2013-11-21 10:58 pm
The E.U will destroy England... they will use this country to ship all immigrants and make the rest of europe a better place to live.
2013-11-21 11:55 pm
You and I Grumpy signed up for the Common Market NOT the EU. How dare Brussels tell us what to do. No bendy bananas, metric, no pounds and ounces, Prisoners votes, now they are even telling us how to flush our toilets.
2013-11-23 11:28 am
Patriotism is a love of one's Country and the wish to protect it's heritage and culture - not selling it down the river without the Country even having a say on the matter.
2013-11-22 4:14 am
The only countries that are totally committed to the EU are Germany and France because they see themselves as the leaders.
The second group are the poorest countries who by being members get a lot more out than they put in
2013-11-22 3:34 am
So our '' right honourable gentlemen '' have finally realised they have totally and utterly worn out the words racists / bigots to such an extent they now need a new word, and unpatriotic is the best they can come up with LOL!

No doubt when they have worn that out they will start calling us fifth columnists / traitors, well all I can say is 2 words spring to mind '' self projecting ''
2013-11-23 6:32 am
No we are not OG I sit on the left of the political spectrum but I want to break away from the EU. He's unpatatriotic this government they should just give it to us the referendum it is a British matter not a UKIP matter.
2013-11-22 6:54 pm
The UK is dying from the cancer ,greed, selfishness, corruption,tax avoidance; over population and obscene wages. The UK is overpopulated with unskilled , many of which do not even speak English. Rarely does a day go by where we do not hear a story about corruption from Westminster to coincils.Real Job creation is not rocket science and does not need to cost billions.You give me an industry and I will tell you how to create an environment for investment and jobs.Stopping tax avoidance would cover the UK deficit and there can be no recovery until this is done regardless how many people are pushed in to poverty.. The government must legislate on tax avoidance and if a company is found using these methods the government should have the power to tax on UK turnover and prosecute accountants and directors..These companies and their accountants must be punished with imprisonment.Assume individuals who have offshore accounts in tax havens are corrupt .If charities use offshore accounts we must assume they are corrupt and scrutinized .Many businesses run as charities are created to avoid taxes .We must teach, with power comes responsibility not immorality. Money paid to an individual from the UK must pay UK NI and tax and not invoiced from their own company in an offshore tax haven..The people MUST fight back.By striking or demonstrating and by exposing the corruption of politicians,banks, big business and the rich.Anyone with information about tax avoidance,cheating expenses,insider dealing ,offshore accounts etc. should use the media to bring them to justice and their wealth must be confiscated .
If an MP or their family is caught charging consultancy fees from offshore accounts this should be exposed.The police should prosecute where they can.A person in power should not be able to resign and get away Scot free .Public figures should have their salaries,bonuses and expenses exposed . .The elite should have untaxed money in tax havens exposed and disposed. The police, owe nothing to the MP,s so should look at them through a microscope.Many large businesses have been exposed for tax avoidance and then let off.Accountants using tax avoidance methods should be exposed and prosecuted.
Surveys should be done by the media asking things like do you want the government to stop mass immigration like they promised or should the government legislate against tax avoidance or do you want a vote on EU membership or should foreign aid be stopped while so many of our own people live in poverty or should the tax payer continue to spend over 100 million pounds a year on feeding addicts methadone.Time to fight on our feet rather than live on our knees.It is no good just waiting for the next election as they are all as corrupt as each other.If you love this country as I do then dish the dirt or the cancer will be terminal.My eyes fill with shame when I see people pilfering from supermarket skips for food and the ever increase of food shelters.Make no mistake this is a war that is doing more damage to the UK than WW11, only the enemy is within.We are now shaping the UK for our children, by exposing corruption,dishonesty immorality .Assume when a contract is given overseas someone is getting rich at the cost of the UK.
A leader will emerge who will love the country as I do and serve the people.The UK desperately need a roll model for morality.No one can trust our politicians.Our rich people boast about their tax avoidance. Our industry leaders move billions of untaxed money to offshore accounts using tax loopholes.When exposed these people are not punished because they are rich.We need one person to say NO MORE .One honest person who is fair and commits to cut this immoral cancer out of our country and legislate against tax avoidance.. This person will not have millions stashed in offshore tax havens. PS. UKIP are not the answer.They are even more greedy than the rest with their manifesto policy to give the rich a massive tax reduction..

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:14:10
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