社會學,roland barthes

2013-11-21 8:37 am
我要做條essay,2000字,assess the strengths and weaknesses of barthes analysis and critique of 'popular culture'.
可唔可以教下我點寫? thanks!!

回答 (1)

2013-11-28 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Roland Barthes - Semiotic Analysis

- define: Semiology/Semiotics

- define related concepts: Signs, Signifier, Signified, metalanguage,
denotation, connotation, myth

- establishes a scientific way of understanding modern/popular culture

- applies the method of semiotics in analysis of popular culture

- objects and events always meant more than themselves,
implied existence of an underlying IDEOLOGY

- to discover what is the hidden meaning behind the language,
to decode the signs

- influenced by Karl Marx's social thoughts on ideology & propaganda

- tools used by bourgeoisie to impose their values on others
e.g. Advertisements on consumer goods, fashion, music, literature,
magazine, photography, entertainment, food, transportation,
- going back to the basics: Within Sociology, a theory is a set of
statement that seeks to explain problems, actions or behaviour.
An effective theory may have both explanatory and predictive

- Strengths: you try to figure it out (it is your assignment)

- Weaknesses includes:

- concentrates only on explanatory elements of social phenomena

- no empirical evidences (i.e. regional or timeline statistics) to
support his claims, therefore no predictive function

- did not indicate what is to be done? what is to be changed?

- only interested in "Status Quo"

- his ideas can only be considered as methods of analysis or
observation and not a Theory.





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