
2013-11-22 1:46 am
Hang in there till the dreams come true.
Don't give up until your dreams come true.


回答 (5)

2013-11-22 2:58 am
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問 : "Hang in there till the dreams come true. "不知道熟知英文的高手認為這句是否正確 或是另一句"Don't give up until your dreams come true. "請問哪一句比較正確呢?

答 : 認為"Don't give up until your dreams come true. 是比較正確.
因為give up 的意思為放棄或放手的意思 " Don't give up"也可以被稱為不要放棄或不要放手的意思. 而" until your dreams come true"是指直到你的夢想到手 所以認為
"Don't give up until your dreams come true. 是比較正確.

問 : "Hang in there till the dreams come true."那這句呢??

答 : Hang是指懸掛或掛的意思,其實有很多英文都有不同的意思, Hang還是另外一個意思,就是"物品懸掛的式樣"的意思. 但我經翻閱字典 沒有放手的意思.所以"Hang in there till the dreams come true."是不正確的.

問 : 或是有更道地的英文講法呢?

答 : 沒有,你這句已經被認為最地道了.

2013-11-21 19:21:32 補充:
hang on 為"堅持, 不挂斷, 靠著, 渴望, 有賴于"的意思.
hang in 為"懸掛在入面"的意思 in是入面 所以hang on there till the dreams come true.(懸挂那裡直到夢想來真實。

你看"懸挂直到夢想到手"不覺得很怪嗎= =

Don't give up until your dreams come true.就對了XD
參考: 自已, 自已
2013-11-23 12:33 am
Hang in there till the dreams come true. ==> 直譯是“堅持下去直到夢想成真”。hang in 的確有堅持的意思,英文口語上若我們叫一個人“堅持住“會使用hang in there,所以這樣用沒有問題。但hang in雖然翻譯是堅持,其實一般多用於我們想表達”撐下去“這種感覺的時候。所以如果老外看到應該會覺得比較接近”在夢想成真之前撐下去“。

Don't give up until your dreams come true. ==> 直譯是”在夢想成真前不要放棄“,相較下來這句用法也比較正式,上一句就較為口語化。


"不放手,直到夢想到手",我也推薦用 Hold on to your dreams till they come true.聽起來也比hang in there更正面一些。個人淺見,你可以考慮看看:)
參考: 自己
2013-11-22 7:29 am
Hang in there. 或是 Don't give up. 就好了.

2013-12-07 00:07:32 補充:
Hang in 隨便查就查得到了
2013-11-22 6:35 am
Hmm, not quite.

Hang in there "till" your dreams come true.
seems to suggest that you should quit at the moment when they come true.

I would say,
Hang in there and your dream will soon come true.

But I am splitting hairs.

2013-11-22 00:57:43 補充:
I know Japanese like to use "fight on" instead of "hang in there"
2013-11-22 4:57 am
to hang in there整個就是個片語一起看→ to remain determined to succeed despite difficulties「儘管困難仍堅持要成功」,怎麼還會翻成「懸掛」?!

"Hang in there 堅持下去 till 直到 the dreams 夢想 come true 成真."


至於道不到地,得麻煩版中旅居國外的大師們(AP, james, Panda等)來回答你這問題

2013-11-22 21:35:14 補充:
Some, for example, may no longer study after the exam, while some may.
If the dream comes true, s/he may cease to pursue anything, leaving him/herself carefree.
It depends, I suppose.

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