Is this a hacklemesh spider?

2013-11-21 4:37 am
I'm hoping to find some help in spider identification. My best guess is a Hacklemesh spider. Some people have posted similar images that they said were running crab spiders. Help me Daniel G!

回答 (2)

2013-11-22 12:07 am
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To be honest, this looks like neither. It is a male, and without being able to make out the eye pattern, can only speculate this is an orb weaver.
As with many spiders, it takes a close examination to get some spiders to species.
Your little friend seems to have lost a couple legs, that may give it an appearance of a different spider.
Just a hunch mind you, but take a look at male orb weaver.
參考: Been around spiders 50 years.
2013-11-22 10:50 pm
Well, it's not any 'hacklemesh' spider I'm familiar with. I'm not sure what it is, to be honest - that nice banding on the very un-orbweaver-like carapace suggest Running Crab Spider to me, but it's not one I recognize. Why don't you submit the photo to Bug Guide and see what they make of it? They have some first-rate spider people.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:49:58
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