How to look a bit fat?

2013-11-20 2:16 pm
My school has recently established a "fitness club" for underweight students, and we have to be forced to do3 hours excercise and have at least 1800 calorie intake. I'm just so sick of that but I didn't get fatter at all. I want to look fatter to quit the club

回答 (2)

2013-11-20 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
do they also have a fat club and make fat student go on a diet and lose wt? they have a nerve trying to force you to gain wt. if you are naturally slim and eat a healthy diet you just have a high metabolism. they school can't force you to attend the club or make you gain wt.
2013-11-20 3:29 pm
hahaha dear god that sounds unpleasant. wtf is wrong with your school.

I had a similar problem, my solution was chocolate. Find a type you like and have big blocks of it stashed in your room or whereevs.
I ate about 2 blocks in maybs 3-6 days for a few weeks, and successfully gained 4kg (like 8 or 9 lbs i think?) so that worked for me pretty well.

Also, (only if you're into this kind of thing of course) I have known people who have gained mass amounts of weight very quickly by smoking certain.. substances.. that give em the munchies (legal and non-legal tend to have same effects)

Good luck!

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