What are some good, easy-to-assemble .22LR pistols?

2013-11-19 12:25 pm
My fingers are just a bit too clumsy for the Ruger Mark II and any variations thereof. Revolver suggestions are also welcome.

回答 (7)

2013-11-19 6:37 pm
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All the revolvers will be mechanically simpler, and, therefore, easier to service.

The Rugers are known for being a PITA to strip. I don't own one personally, but my friends complain.

I have a Browning Buckmark. LOVE everything about it. It is just a giggle to shoot, reliable, and accurate. Even the people I know "who don't like guns" smile when they actually shoot it.

I have about 5K rounds through mine. I wipe it down after each use, but don't clean it. I've fully disassembled it about 4 times when it gets super dirty. It's definetly not hard to do. If you are all thumbs, any gun will be hard to work on. But, the Buckmark is a great gun and a relatively simple to strip.
2013-11-20 2:25 am
Check out the Heritage Rough Rider. It is not expensive, it's well built , and easy to use. It's not a high quality target pistol, but it is more accurate than you are (no offense intended ). It's a great little revolver for someone who wants to get into shooting.
2013-11-20 2:21 am
my phoenix hp22a comes apart real easy and requires no tools. going further than field stripping requires punches and mallet. I've only had to do a complete disassembly only once in the 3 years i've owned it. It's a good, cheap .22 pistol, but it's probably not what you're looking for... (most people have the same opinion of them as the Hi Point pistols)

revolvers generally requires tools to disassemble. i haven't seen one that doesn't.
參考: own experience
2013-11-20 12:54 am
Get a Ruger Single Six revolver....and I have the Norinco M-93 Woodsman clone....needs no tools.
參考: ...look around...as the Marines say...Semper Fi....( take care of yourself ) It loses something in the Latin translation.***quite familiar with the "literal" meaning of Semper Fidelis...I was referring to when it has been used to imply: " Take care of it, YOURSELF, Dummy ". That is how I actually meant it **** ( been on exercises and operations with most every branch of the US military and I'm familiar with all the nomenclature. ) No offense meant ( to any past or present JarHeads ) and definitely none taken. I prefer working with Pros.
2013-11-19 9:34 pm
I know what you mean about the Ruger MK series. I just wanted to mention that they sell a tool that makes it a lot easier to take apart and put together.

(Semper Fi means "always faithful" not "take care of yourself." As a former Marine, I just thought I would clarify.)
2013-11-21 12:48 pm
Personally, I like my Walther P22, but assembling it can be a little bit of a pain. While I haven't personally bought this upgrade, it's worth considering to purchase, if you're curious about the P22.

參考: Rooster
2013-11-20 6:01 am
How hard is hard. MY GSG 1911 is pretty simple but maybe an art gum eraser to help hold that TINY allen wrench.

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