Critique the introduction !!!

2013-11-20 3:26 am
topic:Our Schedules, Our Selves

This part is the introduction of the essay.Can you help me to answerthis question:
Critique the introduction of the essay.Is the Introduction effective?Why?

Clocks are now ubiquitous. Strapped to our wrists, hanging on walls, glowing on ovens, VCRs, dashboards, computer screens, and cell phones everywhere, we’re plum clock-crazy. It’s no wonder we’ve become appointment-driven, overscheduled, and overwhelmed. Clocks and calendars ought to be tools to help us plan our lives, not instruments that run our lives. But many people are starting to rebel against the tyranny of the schedule. In the following pages you’ll find ideas for expanding time, for resisting the urge to overschedule, and for returning to more natural rhythms in order to let life, not the clock, rule.

回答 (2)

2013-11-22 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
--------Criticize the introduction of the article--------
From the Introduction the writer has brought out the thesis statement=We are the master of our time, not the slaves of it.
We can resume our normal life and not letting the schedule of time to specially regulate us !
----Is it effective ?Why ?
It is effective piece of article.
Since we are driven by the overscheduled events and times, we should resist the convention to resume our regular and normal life !
-----Effective quotations with favourable opinions:-
(1)Clocks and calendars ought to be tools to help us plan our lives , not instruments that run our lives.
(2)But many people are starting to rebel against the tyranny of the schedule.
(3) (In the following pages) You will find ideas for expanding time, for resisting the urge to overschedule, and for returning to more natural rhythms in order to let life, not the clock, rule.(not the clock= a phrase,a non-defining phrase.)
-------Indicating the faults of the literature in a disapproving way:-
(1)We don't know what the following pages of the article are:;and for what readers.
(2)A critical assessment of the vocabulary:-
thesis statement
plan and run
let life rule
All are a disapprving way to express in the article.
(3)A brief statement of the main points of the Introduction:-
----Clocks are found everywhere as they fastened on our wrists, hanging on walls, indicating on ovens,VCRS, dash boards,computer screens, and cell phones (7 eg.) that we are driven and overscheduled by them.
----People are trying to rebel against the tyranny of the regular schedule by expanding time and event, never overscheduled (2 eg.), in order to resuming normal life existence.
(Don't delete from the web-site.)
2013-11-20 11:20 am
- In the Introduction, the writer has clearly pointed out the thesis

statement of the whole passage.

People are literally the master of our time not the slaves of the clock.

We, OURSELVES, can take initiatives to re-shape our lives in the

ways we want. Do not let a tool (i.e. the pre-planned SCHEDULES)

force us to do what we are supposed to do.

- The Introduction is effective in a sense that this article appears on an

American leisure magazine that focuses on U. S. politics and public

policy. The intended audiences are mostly middle-class Americans.

They will easily relate to themselves the life experience described

in the article. They are more readily to accept what the writer is

saying ---- Our busy lives, we tend to forget something is missing.

If one will slow down a little and look around, one will remember the

extraordinary details of daily happenings, the precious moments

that we share with our family and friends. Simply let things come

to life naturally. There is a Season for everything.


See the quotes from the last two sentences of introduction:

- Clocks and calendars ought to be tools to help us plan our lives,

not instruments that run our lives.

- you will find ideas for expanding time, for resisting the urge to

overschedule, and for returning to more rhythms in order to

let life, not the clock rule .


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