有關tense 的問題

2013-11-19 3:51 am
Dear Mr. Cheung,

We have received your application form. We are going to start to handle your application on the coming Saturday. We will spend five to ten days to
handle it.

Yours faithfully,
Wong Tai Man
Wong Tai Man

想問問大家上邊篇文既tenses 有無錯呀。

回答 (3)

2013-11-19 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

2013-11-19 6:04 am


用 present perfect tense 能強調「已經收了信」這件事,而且這是「剛剛」收的,因此用 present 的 tense 是合理哦。

be going to 通常用來表示「預定了即將會發生/做的事」,所以用在這裡是可以的。

另外,will 跟 be going to 都是表示「未來發生的事」,不過前者就比後者少了「預定即將會發生/做這個意思」,聽起來感覺上沒有那麼「肯定實在」,在這用來表示處理時間這些 statement 便合適了。
2013-11-19 4:25 am
We have received your application form---(Present perfect tense)We are going to start to handle your application on the coming Saturday.----(Present continuous tense.) We will spend five to ten days to handle it.----(simple future tense.)
The tenses are correct.

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