投資計劃 Investment plan (10點)

2013-11-19 12:57 am
What is investment philosophy?
And suggest some investment strategies in stocks & bonds~

中英回答 PLZ

回答 (1)

2013-11-24 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is investment philosophy? As an investor, you need to understand the differences between different types of investments in order to build a well-diversified portfolio that conforms to the given objectives. The goal is to build a balanced portfolio of investments with a relatively stable overall rate of return. And suggest some investment strategies in stocks & bonds~ Bonds. The value of bonds is determined by market conditions and by the risk the carry. Stocks. Note that the expected rate of return on stock is equal to the expected dividend yield and expected capital gains yield.
參考: 小魚槍手

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 19:30:13
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