英文問題!!! OF

2013-11-18 8:04 am
我想問 one of the members wants to quit.
我係一本exercise 本見到 點解上方 member 要+s ?

仲有 one student 同埋 one of student有唔同嗎?

咩時候+of 同埋 點用of呢 為之(精)?

Secondary school student 同埋 The student of secondary student 邊句好D?

回答 (4)

2013-11-18 1:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You use "one of" in front of a plural noun group to talk about one member of a group of people or things. After the noun group you use a singular form of a verb.

“Animal Farm” is one of my favourable books. (books ~ plural; is ~ singular)

One of the buildings was badly damaged in the fire. (buildings ~ plural; was ~ singular)

小心 noun group 是 plural, 不用加 s
例如: a member of our staff

One student = 一個學生
One of the students = 學生中其中一個 (沒有說明多少個學生, 至少兩個)

“Secondary school student” is preferable to “The student of secondary school”

你要知道 compound nouns (兩個 nouns 放在一起)
noum1 + noun2, 第一個 noun (noun1) 形容第二個 noun (noun2)
The first noun classifies the second noun. It tells us its purpose.

school uniform (校服) 是 compound nouns, 我們不說 uniform of school
其他的例子: bus station, bank manager, shoe shop, eye test

tea cup (茶杯), 不說 cup of tea,
cup of tea 有另外的解釋,
a cup of tea = 一杯茶

“of” 真是有許多用法
The advantage of living in a big city is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.

advantage 是 abstract noun
“living in a big city” 是 noun phrase

noun1 of noun2 在某種情形下, 使用相似 possessive
friend of my mother = my mother’s friend

For possessive, you do not usually use “of” in front of short noun groups in some cases. Instead you use ‘s.
“My friend’s car” is better than “The car of my friend”
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2013-11-29 8:36 pm
2013-11-19 12:08 am
one of the members 是「成員中的一個」。既然是成員中的一個,就一定是有很多成員,所以成員 (member) 就要用眾數,加 s。

one student 是一個學生;one of students 是其中一個學生,兩者大不相同。

secondary school student 比 the student of secondary students 好,因為無咁煩!
2013-11-18 8:24 am
u use one of the members necause you want to specify that one person in all the members...its a must to add s
we.usually dont say one of student
we usually use of when saying something belonging to sth. like the bag of Sally....the classroom of the school....etc.
secondary school student is better

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