
2013-11-18 6:44 am
IGCSE我選既科目係: bio, econ, ict, history, art
我考慮下年去英國讀a-level 但係唔知點選科好
我想向bio個方面選 有咩suggestion?

回答 (2)

2013-11-18 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think that if u want to be a nutritionist ,u should study both chem and bio...which chem is necessary.
your career prospect will be very good if u are interested in bio...toy can do doctors as well other than nutritionist.

2013-11-18 00:54:19 補充:
you can do
2013-11-19 5:05 am
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我考慮下年去英國讀a-level 但係唔知點選科好
我想向bio個方面選 有咩suggestion?

>> 先講你igcse, 只係得5科既話, 升大學係唔夠的, 一般要求既係7 - 8 科以上, 所以最好係考多3科, 咁就可以include 埋其他science, 如maths, phy, chem 等.

>> 而如果你係英國讀gce, 可以揀bio同econ, 唔知你maths 如何, 但可以揀maths. 而如果你真係想讀chem 的話, 因2你gcse 冇考chem, 所以可以要學校approve 你先可以讀, 有一d 學校會要求學校先做一個test, 睇下你既chem 係唔係真係可以應付到gce既chem 既.

2) 做營養師係咪一定要讀chem?

>> 係的, nutrition 最好係有bio 同chem, 咁對你個application 會有利, 同埋上到大學會冇咁辛苦去catch up. 可以睇下大學既requirement 係咩, 因為大學果度會講明收生條件, 有一d 係話一定要有chem 先會考慮你的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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