22nd Feruary 2014 Please answer this!!!?

2013-11-16 3:49 pm
I carnt go through this worry again after last year!!! My mate said somet today about world ending on the 22nd Feb 2014.. So i looked on google and there was nowt about it!! Ive just looked again there's one article from the dailey mail saying will the world end in 100 days!!!! Apparently it viking apocalypse. says somet about waves ect!! Now this is scaring me as i hate to think of drowning ect!!! I can not cope with another end of the world as anyone heard owt about it!!

回答 (17)

2013-11-17 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
My two cats (one is my avatar) are both Ocicats, a very intelligent breed. They are both smarter than you are, because neither one worries about bogus doomsday predictions.

2013-11-16 4:48 pm
1) Why have you learned nothing from the 21st December 2012 end-of-world farce?

2) Why have you learned nothing from either of Harold Camping's 2011 end-of-world predictions?

3) Why do you have mates who have the IQ of a duvet (or are taking the p*ss?)

4)Why has no news of this event appeared on reputable news sources rather than the tainted chip wrapper of a tabloid you refer to?

Edit: Oh look. A very similar question. See link.
2013-11-16 3:51 pm
Hardly a month goes by without an end of world story and we've got through them all - you really shouldn't worry, there's no logical basis for any of these predictions
2013-11-16 8:20 pm
>> I carnt go through this worry again after last year!!!

>> Ive just looked again there's one article from the dailey mail saying will the world end in 100 days!!!!

So, basically, you haven't learned your lesson about failing to think critically and haven't developed any inclination to do so.

I hate to say this, but you actually deserve to live the rest of your life in a succession of constant terrors.
2013-11-16 5:20 pm
LOL. The world can't end in 2014, because it already ended in 2012, remember?
2013-11-16 10:01 pm
I would not worry about the end of the world - your most pressing problem is your inability to grasp the basics of the English language.
2013-11-16 6:46 pm
ALL "the world will end on this date" stories are BULLSH*T!

the world WILL end someday, but NOT soon. WHEN that event is imminent, there will be PLENTY of very obvious scientific evidence, and you wo't; need stories coming from crackpots,

Since there IS NO EVIDNECE that the world will end any time in the next 5 billion years, you can feel perfectly SAFE that the world WILL NOT END in the near 1000 years future.
2013-11-16 4:26 pm
So is the Daily Mail article just under the Page 3 Girl picture?

Live skeptically. Die heroically.
2013-11-29 1:26 am
I blame technology for idiots like you.
You've been fed up in video games so much, that you think you're special and somehow "immortal".
You kids don't realize how easy it is to die. So man the **** up and open your eyes, start taking control of your life and when a real apocalypse really does happen, you won't be able to do anything about it.
2013-11-18 9:19 pm
Think about it like this, the world cares not for your problems and worries. If the human race were to be eliminated tomorrow, the world would spin on its axis and travel round the Sun, same as it has done since its birth. Compared to the enormity of the universe and the celestial objects that are within it, we are pathetic pointless creatures whose lifespan is a mere speck on the cosmos. So don't worry about it and just get on with your life :P
2013-11-16 6:35 pm
There is no need to worry! It is just a myth or is it?
The wolf Skoll would devour the sun, and his brother Hati would eat the moon, causing stars to vanish from the sky and the Earth to be thrown into eternal darkness.
Norse mythology experts have calculated that Vikings believed this will take place on February 22, 2014.
On this day, the god Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir and the other ‘creator’ gods.
There will be huge earthquakes, the sea will rear up and the soil and the sky will be stained with poison.
The sound of the horn is supposed to call the sons of Odin to the battlefield, where Odin will ultimately be killed.
After his death, the Earth was foretold to sink into the sea, paving the way for a new utopian world with endless supplies.
Danielle Daglan from the Norvik Viking Centre told MailOnline that a number of recent events spoken about in the legends of Ragnarok led them to believe that the end of the world may well be imminent.
The legend states that ‘the first to notice shall be man, brother will fight brother and all the boundaries that exist shall crumble.’
‘The idea that “boundaries that exist shall crumble” could be said to be about the Internet age, where you can communicate with millions of people simultaneously around the world thanks to the global rise of social media,’ said Ms Daglan.
Viking tradition also believes that a vast winter will appear before the apocalypse.
‘There are predictions that we are heading into a mini-ice age thanks to a fall in solar flare activity - what is a mini-ice age but several winters rolled into one?’ said Ms Daglan.
Another part of the legend claims that the Midgard Serpent, named Jormungand, shall free itself from its tail and rise up from the ocean.
Ms Dagland points to the two huge fish which appeared on a beach in California last month.
The giant oarfish were dead when they washed up on land, and some scientists believe they came ashore to die because they are ‘in distress’.
‘Traditionally, the Viking festival of Jolablot marked the end of the winter - if this winter truly does not end, then that feast may be given over to Ragnarok instead,’ said Ms Dagland.
The Jorvik Viking Centre predicted that Ragnarok would occur on 22 February because this is the end of the feast of Jolablot.
While not a scientific conclusion, they claim that Vikings loved to feast and wouldn't want to miss this event. For this reason, they argue that Vikings would believe the world would end in 100 days.
The end of the world is coincidently the start of the grand finale of the Viking festival in York.
‘Following a study published in 2010 that bearded men are more trustworthy than those without, we’re also looking for fantastic displays of facial hair, so that we can identify those with the potential to take us into the brave new world that is foretold to follow Ragnarok,’ said Danielle Daglan director of the JORVIK Viking Festival.
‘In the last couple of years, we’ve had predictions of the Mayan apocalypse, which passed without incident, and numerous other dates where the end of the world has been pencilled in by seers, fortune tellers and visionaries,’ she added.
‘But the sound of the horn is possibly the best indicator yet that the Viking version of the end of the world really will happen on 22 February next year.’

So it may or may not happen who knows? But Britain especially Scotland is forecast an Arctic Storm and temperatures below -10 that will last until spring so maybe it is true maybe this is the end of our world, personally I highly doubt it, not after the Mayan's calendar supposedly ending forever which meant the end of the world and we are all still alive! Also I highly doubt that a wold will devour the Sun and his brother the moon...

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