My kindle won't turn on?

2013-11-16 3:44 pm
Mine is the first edition kindle,and I regretfully haven't used it In about 2 months.
I got it out and it needed charging so I charged it up and the light at the bottom turned green so I unplugged and tried to turn it p, but the green button just flashed. All that is on the screen is connect to charger and I plugged it in again and still nothing?

What should I do?

回答 (3)

2013-11-17 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kindle 1st Edition help

I would try leaving alone for a bit in case it is updating the firmware.

Then maybe tomorrow if it still won't turn on, you could try resetting it. I don;t think holding the power switch on for 30 seconds does it with that model.
2013-11-16 11:14 pm
Hold the power button down for a full 30 seconds.
2013-11-16 3:45 pm
leave the table for run out of battery, that would clear all the stuck parts in it.
leave it for about 3 days.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:57:43
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