
2013-11-16 11:23 pm
英文功課就要用下面nouns和adj 用英文解釋生字意思同造句..求大大幫幫忙
3.day trip
4.fly-drive holiday
8.study tour
9.trade fair
13.weekend break


回答 (3)

2013-11-17 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.concrete –meaning a/it is a material to build floor. E.g. This floor is made of concrete.Meaning b/ this is based oncrystal clear facts, not just based on reckoning. E.g. We have concrete information pertainingto the traffic accident happened in Causeway last night.
2.conference– a meeting which explains details about a certain event.e.g. We will have aconference this afternoon to discuss about the employees’ conduct.3.day trip – a trip to visit a certain place for the entire day.e.g. We will have a day tripto the Sky 100 Observation Deck on this coming Saturday.
4.fly-drive holiday– meaning: a holiday which includes flying an airplane as well as on the land. e.g. We will have afly-drive holiday to the Canadian Rockies for this coming Christmas.

5.motivation– meaning: a driving force for you to do something.Money is the majormotivation for me to work on the weekends.6.pilgrimage– meaning: Taking a trip to a place for religious reasons.e.g. We plan on a pilgrimagetrip to Israel in the next month.
7.safari – a trip to go to the countryside for watching wild animals.e.g. I went to a safari tripin Monterey last week.8.study tour- a tour consists of thepurpose of studying.e.g. I joined a study tourlast summer in Missouri to brush up my English.
9.trade fair– An exhibition of different trading products.e.g. Microsoft organizes a trade fair in LasVegas in November every year.
10.trek – a trip which involves tremendous walking.e.g. I was trekking in theYosemite National Park for a few days the past summer.
11.trend –meaning: a situation is developing in a certain way.e.g. There is a trend thatpeople gradually switch from reading traditional books to e-books.
12.wedding – a ceremony that a couple gets married.e.g. My friend just held awedding party in Royal Garden Hotel last week.

2013-11-17 07:33:26 補充:
Can't input anymore. email me at [email protected] for the rest.
2013-11-17 5:27 pm
No offence:
回答者 002 解錯 fly-drive holiday, 不是駕駛飛機

fly-drive holiday = a holiday arranged at a fixed price that includes your flight to a place, a car to drive while you are there, and a place to stay.

The travel agency manager recommended some fly-drive holidays to us.

2013-11-17 10:01:10 補充:

weekend break = a short holiday at the weekend
They are offering weekend break in San Francisco for $1000

authentic (adj.) = real, genuine, not false or copied
The fraud investigator concludes that the letter is certainly authentic.

2013-11-17 10:02:17 補充:
high-rise (adj.) = very tall and having lots of floor
She works in a high-rise office in Hong Kong.

long-haul (adj.) = travelling a long distance, especially by air
I took a long-haul flight from Hong Kong to New York City.

2013-11-17 11:12:30 補充:
concrete = substance used for building that is made by mixing sand, small stones, cement , and water

conference = a large meeting, often lasting a few days, where people who are interested in a particular subject come together to discuss ideas

2013-11-17 11:13:19 補充:
motivation = a feeling of enthusiasm or interest that makes you determined to do something

day trip = a journey that you make for pleasure in which you go to a place and come back on the same day

safari = a journey, especially to Africa, in order to watch, take pictures of, or hunt wild animals

2013-11-17 11:16:36 補充:
study tour = a visit to a country/an area in which you go to different places and have lectures and classes

trade fair = a large event when several companies show their goods or services in one place, to try to sell them

trend = a gradual change or development that produces a particular result

2013-11-17 11:34:52 補充:
trek = a long and difficult journey on foot
wedding = a marriage ceremony
pilgrimage = a journey to a holy place for religious reasons

Reference: ~ Macmillan English Dictionary
2013-11-17 1:41 am
Making sentences with nouns and adjectives in details:-
(1)concrete--The building material is called a reinforced concrete.
(2)conference--My teacher attended a conference on students' matters last week.
(3)day trip---It went on raining on our day trip to the Football Stadium.
(4)fly-drive holiday---Are you going by plane on your fly-drive holiday ?
(5)motivation--The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a student will learn a foreign language.
(6)piligrimage--I am planning to go on a piligrimage to Mecca.
(7)safari--They went on safari searching for the rare rhinoceros.
(8)study tour--We spent the Summer Holidays in a study tour.
(9)trade fair--They are doing a roaring trade in the trade fair in souvenirs.
(10)trek--We went on a trek in the Pak-Sin mountains for our holiday.
(11)trend--The rise in violent crime is a new trend in TV programmes.
(12)wedding---Have you been invited to their wedding ?
(13)weekend break---Sat. and Sun. are considered as a weekend break.

(1)authentic--Is that an authentic and genuine Peter statue ?
(2)high-rise---We live on the twentieth floor of a high-rise building.
(3)long-haul----Heavy fog has delayed the departure of a long-haul flight.

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