Poll: When did you START getting homework at school?

2013-11-15 2:47 pm
Back in the 70s, we didn't get ANY homework until the fourth year juniors ...... to prepare us for the Comp and boy did we get loaded in the first year. We needed that sports holdall we carted from class to class to carry all our books ...... ahhhhhhh, happy days.

回答 (20)

2013-11-15 7:52 pm
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6th grade :)
2013-11-15 11:52 pm
I got it about the same time as you .
2013-11-15 10:49 pm
long time ago
2013-11-15 10:48 pm
2014-01-02 4:20 am
2013-11-17 6:47 am
not me never had none except a few 100 lines to do
參考: ,,
2013-11-17 1:18 am
Since 4 or 5years old since kindergarten? I used to have spelling test at that age too and there were homework and exercise books. I used to have extra classes outside of school as well even during school holidays.
2013-11-16 8:03 am
I started getting homework back in the second grade. I remember this because when I did not do it The teacher would write a note to my parents on it and I would promptly bury it but I learned that you never bury your homework with anyone else's, the fool went back the next morning and dug it up to see if it was still there and there was a girl in the window above him and she told her teacher.
2013-11-16 3:47 am
I refused to do it
2013-11-16 1:00 am
High school:)
2013-11-16 12:32 am
I don't really remember.. I think I was probably Primary 1 (aged 5). I assume that was when.
In the Primary school I went to, the children who go there now get homework all the way through from 5 years old.
But at around that age we got less. And it got a whole lot more when we got older - Secondary school we got much too much!
HATE homework. School is for work, shouldn't we be able to relax and enjoying not being at school instead of having extra stress at home??
2013-11-16 12:15 am
When I went to Secondary School which for me was 12.1/2 as I had previously been to boarding school. Then we were given about 2 hours a night in various subjects....!! Plus each class was in a different room, so we also had to lug a holdall full of books around.
2013-11-16 12:13 am
The first year of high school,aged 11.
2013-11-15 11:55 pm
In about 1991 when I was 5.
2013-11-15 11:14 pm
too early
2013-11-15 11:05 pm
i dont remember but i was very small at that time
2013-11-15 10:55 pm
First grade. 1996.
2013-11-15 10:55 pm
About Year 4; which is about aged 8-9.
參考: I'm 27.
2013-11-15 10:52 pm
First grade
2013-11-15 10:49 pm
I remember getting many many homework assignments, and I also remember fudging most of them off, either half-oz'd or not at all, and then winging it right before it was due by copying off some super smart nerd I wisely befriended.

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