一條英文化學題 (20點) 急用!

2013-11-16 5:41 am
How do you compare the acidity of common household items?

回答 (2)

2013-11-16 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Use pH paper to test the pH of those items.

2013-11-16 8:44 am
Identify acids and bases by using the pH scale.

Students investigate the pH level of household substances by testing a variety of common compounds. Substances are tested with pH strips and placed on the continuum of the pH scale range of 1 to 14. After testing a solution, the student compares the strip color to the scale provided on the container and gives the solution a rating from 1-14. Using the determined number, the name of the solution is placed on the continuum. Students will find that household substances have a specific pH property which is a characteristic needed for the substance's use. Following the lab, students will be assigned the task of testing other substances in their home to determine the pH of those substances.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:34:14
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