about English Grammar

2013-11-16 1:53 am
The original quote: "Only if the force was such as to breach the king's peace would the royal court have an interest in the case."
Can it be rephrased as "Only if the force was such as to breach the king's peace the royal court would have an interest in the case"?

回答 (3)

2013-11-16 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The court would have= would the court have;
Normal subject-verb order, with the verb (have) following the auxiliary, would usually be preferred in a journalistic type of inversion.,in which the predicate is put in front of in order to bring ending focus on the subject.They are conditional-concessional clauses.
They are called an idiomatic or literary construction or subject-operator inversion.type.
2013-11-16 6:48 am


The royal court would have an interest in the case, only if the force was such as to breach the king's peace.

2013-11-15 22:50:16 補充:
通常 only if ,如非倒裝句,是放在後面哦。
2013-11-16 3:44 am
Well,first I think it is interesting not interest.
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:48:51
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