Grammer! Help !! Thx !!!

2013-11-15 3:54 pm
What homework do we have yesterday ?
What homework did we have yesterday?
What homework do we had yesterday ?
What homework did we had yesterday ?

回答 (3)

2013-11-15 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

首先,因為是在說 yesterday,故此應用 past tense,而只有第二和第四句符合條件。

之後,因為在問句中,did we 後面的動詞是用 bare infinitive,在此即是 have,因此,第二句是唯一對的一句。
2013-11-16 12:20 pm
Only the 2nd sentence is correct.

What homework do we have yesterday ? – Incorrect because youshould use “did” instead of “do.”What homework did we have yesterday? – Correct.What homework do we had yesterday ? Incorrect because youare talking about yesterday, so you should use “did” and “have.”What homework did we had yesterday ? – Incorrect because youhad already used “did”, then you shouldn’t use had after that.
2013-11-15 11:41 pm

因為是 yesterday,so we use past tense,而只有第二和第四句符合條件

Then,"do, did, done"後面的動詞是用bare infinitive. "Had" is not bare infinitive, so
參考: myself

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