Can I have a car at Air Force tech school?

2013-11-14 11:42 pm
I go to Basic Training in March, and my parent are being really frustrating about me driving so I'm starting to have to call out days at work etc so I'm thinking of getting a car since I have 5 more months at home.

I'm a linguist and tech school is super long (like up to two years for some. a year and a half usually). Will I be able to use my future car there?

Thank you in advance!

回答 (5)

2013-11-15 12:46 am
If you can afford one, get a reliable that will make the trip to California and to Texas afterward. Yes, your tech school is long and there is no public transportation in that area. A car is a must. However, as Dave said, you won't be able to use it during Phase I. If you don't have a car, you will either be staying on the Presidio a lot or you will be begging rides from those who have cars. If you can wait, you can get one when you are able to use one while in tech school.
參考: I had my car in tech school at DLI and went to Salinas, Carmel or San Fransisco most weekends
2013-11-14 11:49 pm
Not during Phase I of tech school, but why buy a car. I know you're there for a long time, but it's probably the biggest waste of money as a young Airmen. Especially since you're still in tech school.
2013-11-15 3:37 am
you can have a car after the first 14 days at tech school

the big issue is gonna be, getting the car there

if your there over x-mas - then you can fly home and drive back

but realize the cost of the trip is your responsibility and you will be using part of your x-mas leave time, to make the drive back

2. the other issue is - you buy a car - then after tech school you get orders to some place like Korea or Japan

where your not allowed to bring a car

then what are you gonna do ?
2013-11-15 1:03 am
Yes you can, but you cannot drive from basic training. You will need to either have someone deliver your car or buy one at tech school. And they do not use the phase system anymore. The first few weeks are similar to basic training need to be in uniform while outside, cannot be in pt gear except during pt, can't use your phone while in uniform, must stay on base, and cannot use a POV including your own. But after that you are essentialy free after school and on the weekends and holidays.
參考: A1C in the USAF
2013-11-15 12:57 am
98% of the time students ARE NOT allowed a POV. at DLI, it will NOT be permitted right away.. if at all.

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