英文文法問題 participle

2013-11-14 9:55 pm
1.The old woman knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning.
中的knocked down by a lorry係 participle clause的被動形式?
如轉為The old woman who knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning可以嗎?

3. participle clause的構成條件是?

3. participle phrase的用法?可以的話請舉一些例子


回答 (3)

2013-11-19 11:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The old woman knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning.
“knocked down by a lorry” 在新的語言學 (linguistics) 名稱 past participle phrase,
舊的傳統的名稱 participle clause.
使用 relative clause, 可以轉為:
The old woman who was knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning.
“who was knocked down by a lorry yesterday” 是 relative clause, introduced by a relative pronoun “who”. It functions as an adjective clause. 形容個subject “The old woman”. It is also a defining clause to identify the old woman.

Past participle phrase是被動形式, 因為有 past participle “knocked”.

Consider another example:
The old woman knocking on my door yesterday died in hospital this morning.
“knocking on my door yesterday” 是 present participle phrase.
使用 relative clause, 可以轉為
The old woman who knocked on my door yesterday died in hospital this morning.
Present participle phrase 是主動形式, 因為有 present participle “knocking”.

Participle clause is defined as a non-finite clause with either a present participle or a past participle as its principal verbal component.

Present participial phrase is a verb phrase (what’s left of the predicate of a relative clause) that is headed by a present participle.

I regret missing the plane. (missing 是 present participle)

Past participial phrase is a verb phrase (what’s left of a passive clause when you delete the grammatical subject and BE) that is headed by a past participle.

Treated like that, I would have lost my temper. (treated 是 past participle)

participial phrase 可以代替 relative clause, 比較簡潔, 句子短些

No offence:
My buying of clothes is none of your business、
Doing homework is your responsibility,
這兩句不是 noun clause, 因為可以自己獨立成句子
Noun clause is a depending clause functioning as a nominal.

Chinese cooks claim this.
Snake meat keeps you warm in winter.

Chinese cooks claim that snake meat keeps you warm in winter.
“that snake meat keeps you warm in winter” 是 noun clause.

2013-11-19 03:35:11 補充:
buying 不是 participle, 是 gerund.

Verb + ing 可以做 present participle or gerund

Doing homework 是 gerund phrase. It is the subject of the sentence.

2013-11-19 03:36:28 補充:
- any structure that functions as a noun. This word is sometimes used in preference to terms such as a noun, pronoun, gerund, noun phrase and infinitive phrase.
2013-11-15 5:53 am

絕對不可以,用 who 的話而要表達被動,就要寫成:
The old woman who ''was'' knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning

你這樣的話,就會變成 old woman 「主動」 knock down,而不是「被」knock down 了。

who 這些 relative clause 跟 participles 是不同的東西哦。

構成很簡單,只要將 SVO 句中的 VO 抽出來,然後將個 verb 變成 gerund (ing form)或者過去分詞就可以了,例如:

I play basketball well -> Playing basketball well (主動式)

I am praised by my teacher -> Praised by my teacher (被動式)

1. 修飾句子的元素,你這句 The old woman knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning. 的 knocked down by a lorry yesterday 正正修飾了 old woman 這個 subject。

2. 作為 adjective,the flying bird、fried rice,flying 是主動式的 participle,由 fly 衍生出來;fried 是被動式的 participle,由 fry 衍生出來。

3. 作為 noun clause,如 My buying of clothes is none of your business、Doing homework is your responsibility,buying 和 Doing homework 都是 participles。
2013-11-14 11:40 pm
(3)phrase:-a group of words without a finite verb,especially one that forms part of a sentence."by a lorry yesterday."; "in the hospital this morning." are phrases.A memorable phrase=An old woman by a lorry.

(2)clause:-a group of words that includes a subject and a verb,and forms part of a sentence:-eg:-was knocked down ; eg:-died in hospital;
one is a subordinate clause; the other one is a main clause.

(1)The old woman died in hospital this morning-------the main clause
---Who was knocked down by a lorry------a subordinate clause.of reason
The sentence:-The old woman, who was knocked down by a lorry yesterday, died in hospital this morning. A participle in grammar is a form of a verb that can be used in compound tenses of the verb. There are two participles in English:-the past participle ends in "--ed", and the present participle ends in "--ing" eg:-dying woman.

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