Astrology compatibility?! Help please!?

2013-11-13 12:58 pm
I'm a capricorn sun, leo moon, Aquarius rising with Venus in scorpio.
My boyfriend is a taurus sun, capricorn moon, Gemini rising with Venus in Aries.
How is this combination and any details on the relationship?

回答 (3)

2013-11-13 2:26 pm
My boyfriend is capricorn sun leo moon aqua rising venus in scorpio haha. is your uranus and neptune in capricorn and pluto in scorpio? then you have two aspects there - moon square venus and moon square pluto - these aspects are not good for a peaceful relationship and you should work on them. expect for that, capricorn and taurus can get along with eachother, your moons are not that great together but it can be fixed. and your ascendants are compatible. Your venus signs are good as well - scorpio and aries are both ruled by mars, scorpios is also ruled by pluto, one thing is that both aries and scorpio like to be in control, and with moon square pluto & venus you hate not being in control and you hate anybody controlling you. Apart from that anything can be fixed & anything can work lol.. also if your neptune and uranus are in capricorn then they conjunct your sun.. which can make a person quite unpredictable and out of control. you should work on self control.. lol
2013-11-14 9:19 am
Question: are you and your partner happy? If the answer to this is “yes“, who cares what some patronising, book selling, know-nothing astrologer has to say about it? Enjoy what you have.

Never be fooled by the clap-trap of astrology.
2016-03-12 11:24 am
Imagine saying to someone "if you were born a week earlier we'd be a great couple". Astrology seem to show bias against itself in the question of compatibility. Birth date is much more important than age differences, education, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or economic stature. Family upbringing or social issues like single parenting or divorce are not a factor. Also these people (and myself) are complete strangers. Are you willing to risk your relationship just on their say-so? Whether they say yes or no; they hold no resposibility for their actions. But doesn't assuming compatibility just because of birthday, time and location of birth makes it a form bigotry as well? Since nobody has control when or where they are born; why would you or anybody want to be judged that way?

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