一些英文問題 thx

2013-11-13 6:30 pm
1. The surrender of the soldier saved themselves from being killed.
I'm congratulate you on being happy .
其中的being 有什麼作用,可省略嗎,如省略了會影響意思?

2. which 作關係代名詞時,有時會在前加 in,at,on

3.Susan was very fun to be around.
其中的to be有什麼作用,可省略嗎?

4.I'm ,I'd ,You'd在發音時有分別嗎?

可以的話詳細點解釋 Thx

回答 (3)

2013-11-14 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
The surrender of the soldier saved themselves from being killed 當中的 being 是被動的意思,而 I'm congratulate you on being happy 當中的 being 是把object變成noun,因爲淨係用happy係形容詞。此外,此句應該沒有am

in which
There is a hotel in which we can sunbathe.
此句指我們可以在酒店裏sunbathe日光浴。若果沒有in,變成there is a hotel which we can sunbathe,意思就會變成“我們幫酒店曬日光浴”,而曬日光浴的會是酒店而不是我們
at which, on which意思相若

Susan was very fun to be around 指的是有Susan在周圍很有趣。沒有to be不是不行,而是十分奇怪。

I'm (aiyum)
I'd (aied)
You'd (U-ed)
2013-11-14 7:29 am

1. 應該這樣說吧,你要知道在這兩句的 preposition 後面是需要一個 clause,而 clause 很多時候都是由 participles 組成的,在此,being 是構成 participle 的重要部分,故此不能省略哦。

另外,在 from/on 這些 preposition 後面,如果那 participle 是要表達「被動」的意思,就會如第一句般用上 being;至於第二句,雖然 participle 也有 being,但它不是表達「被動」的意思,而是「主動」的意思(試想想 I am happy 這句,這不是被動式啊。)

關於 participle 網上和很多 post 也有很詳細的解釋了,不明的話不妨查一查。

2. 很簡單,一個 rule,用 in 做例子:

It is a house. (subject 是 it)
In the house, the man is living alone. (subject 是 the man)

這兩句用 which combine 的話,就是:It is a house in which the man is living alone.

在 which 前加上 preposition 就能將兩句不同 subject 但又有共同元素(house)的句子串在一起。

3. to be 其實就是常見的句式的一部分:subject + be + adjective + to + verb
你這裏的意思是:在 Sue 身邊很有樂趣。


4. 其實第一個字已經有分別,聽多些吧。
2013-11-14 1:28 am
(1)being=verb; present participle of be;used for connecting expression to the subject:-eg:-things being as they are;from being killed=Being a surrended soldier, he has saved his life.( being after preposiion.)
eg:-on being happy=Being happy at her expression, I congruated her.
It is used in passive voice,continuous tense:-eg:-Her happiness is being congruated by me.

(2)in which;at which; on which:- are the pronoun phrases,det.used to give more information about something
eg:-Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the compensation money will be great !
eg:-used to be exact about the thing that you mean on preposition:-eg:-Houses at which overlook the sea-harbour cost more !

(3)Susan was feeling very funny to be around.=to be around;
be=verb intran. for connecting the statement
Be nice to her;be it true or not;
eg:-She would be around and be funny-feeling.
Also showing existence:-Where is she? She is around.
Also as auxiliary verb:-While she (was) around,she felt very funny.

(4)apostrophe don't(=do not) sounds already, whether you listened or not;
I'm(=I am); I'd(=I would), You'd(=You would.). A word difficult to pronounce has made it easier to pronounce.

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