(urgent) 想讀Master in UK

2013-11-12 11:05 pm
I am now studying a bachelor degree in one of the universities in HK (social Work).

I am interested in studying criminology (social science) master in UK.

1) Which university is more preferable for studying in criminology?

I would like to have an agent if possible. any suggestion?

Thanks for your help!:)

回答 (1)

2013-11-13 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) Which university is more preferable for studying in criminology?

>> 你可以先睇一睇ranking 既, 如果你search times/guardian ranking 的話, 會有ranking table 出哂overall ranking 同specific subject 既ranking, 而好多時睇overall 會比較好, 因為subject ranking 變化較大, 而如果你consider 番hk 做野的話, 可以揀倫敦大學, 如ucl, kings 等, 又或是係一d 係hk 比較多人聽過既大學, 如wrwick, durham 等. 而你亦可以係ucas 上面睇到邊一間學校有criminology 讀:


係course search 度可以搵到.

2) I would like to have an agent if possible. any suggestion?

>> 個人唔建議搵agent, 因為agent 做既野, 同你自己做既野係一樣, 除非你係apply foundation/中學. apply master 既話, 自己apply 會比較好, 因為master 要睇你undergrad 既成績, 而大學同agent 係唔會有connection, 所以作用不大, 當然揀左想去邊間大學後, 上去果間大學既web site, 去post grad 既section, 入面會有admission tab 教你點樣樣apply 的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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