why don't we see asians/muslims wearing remembrance day Poppy's?

2013-11-11 3:27 pm
I have never in my life seen any Asians/muslims wearing or buying a poppy why ?

isn't this disrespect to our country ?


this is a straight question whats rascist about it d . c k h e a d s

回答 (26)

2013-11-11 3:27 pm
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2013-11-11 3:43 pm
Do you know how many asians died on behalf of the Commonwealth during our various wars? Sacrificing their lives is more impressive than buying a poppy
2013-11-11 4:07 pm
I sold poppies and on Saturday a Pakistani man ( wearing a union jack flag on his shirt ) bought some

and told me how his grandfather fought and died in the war , and how proud he was to be part of the common wealth

of course I never asked him what faith he was

don't make problems where there aren't any

you should show some respect and learn your history
2013-11-11 3:52 pm
I have seen Baroness Warsi wearing one on the BBC's Question Time. Also Baroness King of Bow.

I have also seen Muslim graves in commonwealth war cemeteries across the world.
參考: None so blind as won't see.
2013-11-11 4:07 pm
It is not part of their tradition or culture.We are not part of their lives,wishes,dreams or ideals.
Being a Muslim is being a nation.
They are not fools...WE are the fools for our appeasing weaknesses and cowardice or plain sheepish stupidity in the face of PC propaganda.

We have given them the benefits and the hand-outs and invited them to the FREE health care of Britain but we cannot expect them to consider themselves British at any other special events.
Their culture is a nation to itself.

The new immigranted have no connection to Britain except to it's benefits in this Welfare State/Island of Plenty.

In two months time we shall see an invasion of which we have never seen in Britain or has been attempted in 1000 years.
Nearly 30 million Bulgarians and Romanians gain the right to live and work unrestricted in the UK from 2014.
30m Bulgarians and Romanians are set to gain unrestricted access to UK as EU regulations are lifted.
Experts warn of a 'significant spike' when limitations imposed by the EU are lifted at the end of next year.....Ha ha...a spike...a hammer blow me-thinks.
Numbers expected to be higher than when restriction was lifted for Poland in 2004.
Britain would have to tear up EU treaty to avoid the migration rise.
Immigrants predicted to avoid more fragile economies such as Greece, Spain and Italy.

Tony Blair,his Greatest Chancellor and now David Cameron cannot see a problem.In 2014 we shall see another and maybe bigger invasion that any attempted before and we shall be welcoming them in and straight to the benefits section.
2013-11-11 4:12 pm
Some Asians and Muslims do wear poppies and many fought side by side with the UK in two world wars. However there are many of the younger Asians/Muslims who give more priority to their religious beliefs than loyanty to the UK and the British way of life,, it is these who do not buy and wear poppies to commerate the war dead and the sacrifices made by so many.
2013-11-11 4:03 pm
Well my neighbours are muslim and both of them have been wearing poppies.
2013-11-11 3:29 pm
How many Asians or Muslims were at Flanders Field? Maybe that is the reason.
參考: rc
2013-11-11 4:08 pm
Firstly the vast majority of Britons don't even wear poppies for any particular reason other than showing their affirmation of the establishment.

Secondly Britain was not the only country fighting on the Allied Side in WW1, so per-se it cannot be "disrespect to our country" as you put it.

Thirdly India sent 140,000 troops to the Western battle fronts during WW1 the vast majority of whom were Muslims and by Armistice Day, there were over 47,000 Indian Army members dead or missing and over 65,000 injured of which specifically the 2nd Rajput Light Infantry, the Ferozpur Regiment, the Indian Cavalry Corps and the 7th (Meerut) Division were all at Flanders and Ypres.

Fourthly, for better or worse, these people gave their lives honorably, in the line of duty, and their memory is not by any means ultimately reducible to a plastic poppy.. nor should it be besmirched by becoming subject to the half-baked rhetoric of some scummy little racist, squit on the internet.
2013-11-11 3:48 pm
I don't know because they did serve in the Armed Forces. Paddy Ashdowns father led a regiment of Indian soldiers through France in WW2. They marched past a WW1 memorial with names like Khan on it so they would have been aware that their fathers etc fought for Britain and her allies. They were evacuated from Dunkirk btw.
Over 100,000 Asians died in WW2. I was very surprised that when at college doing WW1 in history, the Asian students were unaware that their fathers and grandfathers fought in the conflicts. Perhaps they are not taught or their relatives do not speak about the sacrifices they made in both world wars.
2013-11-11 4:18 pm
I have seen loads of asians wearing poppies
參考: JG
2013-11-11 3:28 pm
They are all allergic to freedom. If the poppy was made out of cumin powder they would love it
2013-11-11 6:02 pm
I've seen muslim people wear poppies..what are you talking about? Not all british people wear poppies..I've seen loads of them not wearing a poppy today O.o
2013-11-11 6:17 pm
cause they hate us
2013-11-11 4:40 pm
Certainly there were many thousands of non white citizens of the Empire who joined the British armed services,and many won the VC,especially in the first world war.

As remembrance day is to remember those as well, it does seem strange there are so few who wear the Poppy. I think modern conflicts such as Iraq and Afghanistan has made many of these people think the British army is an enemy of theirs.?

Having said that,I was sad to see this year in my Lincolnshire town how few people of any sort wore their Poppy. The few there were seemed more elderly people.
2013-11-11 4:06 pm
The poppy fields in Afghanistan are flourishing. Heroin production at a all time high .
2013-11-11 4:07 pm
2013-11-11 9:17 pm
I've seen plenty of Asian looking people wearing poppies. Unlike you, I can't tell someone's religion just by looking.
2013-11-11 6:59 pm
Never been to Canada, then.
Pity you don't get out much.
2013-11-11 3:45 pm
Not even the third or fourth generation part of these communities, would have had many ancestors taking part on these particular battlefields.

It's not disrespect, just diversity and truth.

Thanks for asking though
A hopeful global citizen
2014-01-21 8:51 pm
I know Asians that wear poppies and I used to when I was a kid.
2013-12-07 12:03 am
MAYBE you should learn some history, the same british d i c k s were occupying indiastan(what is now pakistan and india etc)
2013-11-12 8:28 pm
Wow. I can't believe you're serious?! I am a British Muslim and I proudly wore my poppy on Remembrance Day. This year, there were over a million Muslims wearing poppies. Come down my ends - we were all proudly wearing our poppies! Some Muslims may choose not to wear poppies for personal reasons but I am no one to judge but I can assure you there were lots of us Asians/Muslims wearing our poppies. Peace x p-s - maybe it's the area you live in?
2013-11-12 4:54 pm
Are you serious with this question? Do you not want to puke when you see the soldier on the billboards who lost his leg in Afghanistan war or girl lost father in Iraq war for nothing? These soldiers did not know and will never really know why they are disabled, injured, or died and left their family behind. Poppy means glorifying war nowadays.Not remembrance. We are living in the century of war on terror...Did you ever hear how Britain made war on China with Opium/which means poppy, and Chinese people were traumatized with this in 18th. century. Do you know how many people died?! Why not any other flower but poppy, it's like making fun of their grieve. Why should immigrants respect glorifying war? Is UK a country which is innocent like Polinesia islands in the history....Hands full of blood. I'm really sorry for all the people who have died in wars..doesn't matter to which nation they belong to...and sorry for all their families...But I'm sorry for all the Afghan civilians children and women bombed by Britain&Us with the support of all other Nato countries, Norway Turkey etc...

Check out this UK Veterans' page, I like them:

2013-11-11 3:28 pm
No idea. Possibly to remember something.

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