Nursing two month old won't take a bottle?

2013-11-10 5:06 am
I have tried switching all kinds of brands of bottle even the ones made for breastfeeding baby's and she still won't take the bottle.. I'm wanting to stop breastfeeding at 6 months old so I can go back to work but she refuses the bottle and cries and cries until I nurse her.. I had to leave her with a sitter for a few hours to go help clean our church and she cried the whole time I was gone an would not take a bottle.. Please help me find a solution...

回答 (7)

2013-11-10 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ultimately my daughter was too stubborn and always always always flatly refused to take milk from anything other than me

We tried ALL the tricks and she even went 3 days at her grandmas for 10 hours a day and refused so the "leave them and eventually they'll take it" last resort still didn't work

I spoke to several lactation consultants and they weren't at all surprised and said its very common for breastfed babies to totally refuse milk from anything other than mum. I was advised by them and also my doctor to just nurse baby when even I was with her and then off water and solids when I was away.

So when I went to work my daughter just had yogurts, fruits and veg and porridge (made with expressed breastmilk!!!) and water and it worked well with me feeding her when she was home

We knew she'd happy take water in any container so it was that she couldn't handle a bottle or sippy cup it was simply she wouldn't take milk via them

So try all you can with bottles and sippy cups but don't be surprised if baby ultimately refuses
2013-11-10 1:35 pm
Smart kid.
I quit my job over this. Time to look at the financial feasibility of working outside the home.
2013-11-10 1:18 pm
Sounds like you have a pretty smart child. She wants the best.
2013-11-10 1:13 pm
Of course she is not going to take a cold, hard, plastic object when she's had the comfort of your breasts for the last two months. She is a SMART baby - breastmilk is the best option by FAR, and she is right to be refusing formula.

Have you not heard of pumping/expressing breastmilk? You can begin pumping after each of her feedings, and then storing these in the freezer. They can be used up to five-six months later. Make sure you date them.

As for the refusing the bottle - does she actually suck a little bit before refusing it, or does she not take it at all? If you pump some breastmilk and provide this when you're at work, she may just take it once she sees that it's the milk she usually gets.

If you have to get to work, you may just have to drop her at daycare/sitters and that's that. It may take a few hours for her to take the bottle, but she won't starve herself - she'll take it eventually.

Try Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles - they are shaped like a breast so she may adapt easier.
2013-11-10 3:36 pm
she's only 2 months old. Don't try to rush this sort of thing. Also, don't try formula instead of expressed breastmilk. every single place of employment MUST allow you to pump. So it's not a given that you won't be able to breastfeed. When you're home with her even if you do work you can still nurse her directly until she's old enough to be weaned. Remember, a lot changes between 2 and 6 months. If the cost of a pump is the issue, a top of the line double electric breastpump is still a lot cheaper than formula. And better for baby.
2013-11-12 6:15 am
Give her some time. Your baby needs to needs to adjust first to the bottle. Feed her only when she is hungry and give her the bottle.
2013-11-11 2:05 am
Since you are NOT going back to work until she turns 6-months of age............wait until she reaches
4-5 months of age to switch her. Right now...........just breast feed her.

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