a good way of investing money for good potential revenue?

2013-11-09 3:52 pm
i'm 16, and i tried to find work, but my parents rejected that because my exams are comming up too soon, i have around 100 pounds roaming around and i want to buy a 3600 pounds computer, so i though maybe investing? but into what? stocks (are under 18s allowed?)? bitcoin (under 18s not allowed); the revenue does not have to come immediately, (i can wait for a few years) but what is a good potential investment that under 18s are allowed? buying different currency? but using 100 pounds is not gonna get me much difference.... like 3 pounds revenue after 2 years; the currencies are not that unstable and they don't fluctuated (price up, i mean) that much...
so any suggestions?

回答 (2)

2013-11-09 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have to be 18 or older to open a brokerage/investing account.
Now is an easy time to find work. Just ask for part time 20 hours a week. It won't kill you to work 2 or 3 days a week.
2013-11-22 8:54 pm
There is no age limit, or any restrictions for Bitcoins. That is part of the beauty, anybody can get involved and chance are great if you invest now, you will make money.

Ask more Bitcoin questions here: http://bitcoin.bitshare.cm/forum
Get real-time Bitcoin prices here: http://bitcoin.bitshare.cm

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:54:56
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