
2013-11-10 1:49 am
以下句子用中文講已經好複雜, 更何況用english...希望各位英文高手幫幫忙, 把問題譯成英文, 感激萬分!!


回答 (10)

2013-11-10 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

In terms of the overall quantity of smart phone usage, what percentage is the time spent by teenagers in their communication with parents?
In terms of a teenager's total smart phone usage, what percentage is the time spent in communicating with their parents?

2013-11-09 20:00:20 補充:

2013-11-10 04:50:44 補充:
下面那位理解「用量」是 MB、GB 的「數據用量」似乎不是吧?一方面一般人不會計算花了多少MB、GB;同時拿時間和數據作比較確不可行。歡迎他跟随了我的看法放棄了他的理解。

我的理解,始終是用量(quantity of usage)等同用去的時間(time spent),泛指所有靑少年使用智能手機的统計的一句,也可譯作;In terms of the overall time of smart phone usage, what percentage is the time spent by teenagers in their communication with parents?
2013-11-13 4:21 am
"Young people with smart phones to communicate with their parents smartphones total amount of time a few percent?"
2013-11-11 8:41 pm

What is the percentage of the overrall usage young people with smart phones communicating with their parents?
2013-11-11 4:14 pm
What is the percentage ratio for teenagers' time spent with parents to time spent on iphones?
2013-11-10 10:17 pm
What is the overall percentage of time for teenagers using smart phone as the
communication tool with their parents?
參考: me
2013-11-10 8:04 pm
What is the average percentage of amount of prepaid period for teenagers by using smart cellphones talking to their parents?
參考: Myself
2013-11-10 6:43 pm
"Teenagers to Smartphone to communicate with parents time to take up the overall percentage of smartphone use?"
參考: me
2013-11-10 5:42 am

How many percent of the overall smartphone usage by teenagers is for communication with their parents?

How many percent of the total time spent on smartphones by teenagers is for communication with their parents?


2013-11-09 21:45:00 補充:
這裡的「用量」我是理解成類似 MB、GB 的「數據用量」,如果你是指「時間上的用量」,那麼,直接用「時間」就好了。

2013-11-09 22:43:09 補充:
還有,我是將「整體」理解成「teenagers 的整體用量」,並不是「所有不同人(包括老人)的整體用量」,因為這樣較 make sense。

2013-11-09 22:45:12 補充:

How many percent of the overall smartphone usage is by teenagers for the communication with their parents?

How many percent of the total time spent on smartphones is by teenagers for the communication with their parents?

2013-11-09 22:45:47 補充:
只是將 is 調一調位置就可以啦,不需要覺得太複雜
2013-11-10 3:40 am
"Young people with smart phones to communicate with their parents smartphones total amount of time a few percent?"
2013-11-10 2:47 am
What is the percentage of time teenagers use their smart phones to communicate with their parents among the overall usage time of smart phones?

2013-11-09 20:29:46 補充:
EICA 是很細心的。。。

2013-11-10 18:08:19 補充:




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